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> 関連学会・研究会など > EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2022 |
EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2022 2022年度 EMLG/JMLG 国際会議について、口頭発表の申込締切が 延期される旨の連絡がございました。 海外出張が厳しい状況にある研究機関も多いと存じます。事情が許しましたら、 ポスター発表も含め、皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。
名城大学 西山 桂[JMLG(Japan Molecular Liquids Group)セクレタリー]
- EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2022
- 会期 2022年9月12-16日
- 開催地 バルセロナ(スペイン)
- 口頭申込締切 6月6日
- ポスター発表締切 7月18日
- 学会HP http://www.emlg2022.com/2022/
Dear Colleagues,
We received the request to extend the deadline for Oral Contributions for the European/Japanese Molecular Liquids Group Meeting on Sep.12-16, 2022, Barcelona.
Updated info at Conference webpage (http://www.emlg2022.com/2022/).
The conference will cover all the traditional topics in experiments, theory, and simulations of molecular liquids. These include liquid-state theories, molecular simulations and their applications, metastable liquid phases, supercooled/glassy liquids, supercritical fluids, polyamorphism, ionic liquids, soft matter and complex liquids, structure-dynamics relations in liquids, active matter, etc. The emphasis, this year, will be on 'Molecular Liquids at interfaces', including aqueous solutions in biological systems, confined fluids, soft/fluid interfaces.
The follwing speakers confirmed their participation:
Emilio Artacho, University of Cambridge, UK Fernando Bresme, Imperial College London, UK Kenneth A. Dawson, University College Dublin, Ireland Pablo G. Debenedetti, Princeton University, USA Giulia Galli, The University of Chicago, USA Martina Havenith, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Kenichiro Koga, Okayama University, Japan Rahul R. Nair, The University of Manchester, UK Takakazu Nakabayashi, Tohoku University, Japan Gregory A. Voth, The University of Chicago, USAInvited:
Biman Bagchi, Indian Institute of Science, India Radha Boya, University of Manchester, UK Sofia Calero, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain Simone Capaccioli, University of Pisa, Italy Lucia Comez, CNR - Perugia, Italy María José Esplandiu, ICN2, Spain Paola Gallo, Università degli Studi Roma, Italy Chris Lorenz, King's College London, UK Stefano Mossa, CEA Grenoble - IRIG, France Laurence Noirez, CEA/ CNRS, France Luis Carlos Pardo, UPC, Spain Barbara Rossi, Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy Lourdes Vega, RICH Center, Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates Carlos Vega de las Heras, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain.The Program will include 38 Contributed Talks and Poster sessions (https://www.emlg2022.com/2022/program.php).
The extended Deadlines are (http://www.emlg2022.com/2022/deadlines.php)
- Abstract Submission (Oral request): June 06, 2022
- Author Submission Acceptance Notification: June 13, 2022
- Early Bird Registration Fee: June 24, 2022
- Abstract Submission (Poster request): July 18, 2022.
If your company is interested in exhibiting or sponsoring this event, please contact us directly, sending an email to info@emlg2022.com.
- Exhibitors Early Bird Registration Fee: May 23, 2022
If you need support, especially for participants from Ukraine or other countries in war, please contact the EMLG and JMLG secretary. Updated contact information is available at the EMLG and JMLG websites (, (http://solnchem.jp/ in Japanese), (For the English version: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsolnchem.jp&langpair=ja%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools).
If you require any further information or have any doubt, please feel free to contact us at info@emlg2022.com.
Looking forward to meeting you in person in Barcelona,
Giancarlo Franzese
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
【関連リンク】EMLG-JMLG2020(バルセロナ) 延期のお知らせ
〒615-8510 京都市西京区京都大学桂 京都大学大学院工学研究科分子工学専攻 分子理論化学講座内 溶液化学研究会事務局 e-mail: jimukyoku<at-mark>solnchem.jp |