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> 関連学会・研究会など > Pacifichem 2021 Congress |
Pacifichem 2021 Congressのご案内 溶液化学研究会会員の皆様
Pacifichem 2021事務局から、本年12月に開催されるPacifichem 2021は対面式とリモート式を併用するハイブリット様式で行われると通知がありました。そのために、シンポジウム「Physical #418 Frontiers in the structure, properties, and functions of molecular liquids and solutions」に講演を申し込まれた方は、至急(4月12日まで)以下の回答をお願いします。また、昨年度に諸事情で講演を申し込まれなかった方もハイブリッド様式で参加が可能であれば講演を申し込むことができます(講演要旨締切4月12日)。以上、よろしくお願いします。
シンポジウム企画者 山口敏男・寺嶋正秀・Cris Benmore・Glenn Hefter・Yonguan Zhou
This is an urgent reminder. Your action is required to confirm your submission to the Pacifichem 2021 Congress.
You are receiving this notification because you submitted an abstract for inclusion in the 2020 Pacifichem Program. With the rescheduling of Pacifichem to 2021 and the reformatting to a hybrid event, your abstract has been held within the programming system to be considered for scheduling into the Pacifichem 2021 Hybrid Program.At this time, the Pacifichem Organizing Committee needs you to select one of the following options:
- Keep your abstract AS IS to be considered for the Pacifichem 2021 Program;
- Edit your abstract and re-submit for the Pacifichem 2021 Program;
- Remove your abstract from consideration for the Pacifichem 2021 Program.
Please use the link below to notify the Pacifichem 2021 Organizing Committee of your intent for your submitted abstract. You will complete a different form for each abstract submitted. We need to receive your response no later than April 12.
Link to form for intent for your abstract:
https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/d08d33c0d3354e20a2a244908222c9a1The Pacifichem Inc. and the International Organizing Committee of Pacifichem 2021 Congress will take place as a hybrid event. Scientific sessions and related events will be held in Honolulu, HI and virtually.
Authors will be able to present their work (oral or poster) as part of the in-person scientific sessions, and those that are unable to travel to the Congress will also have the opportunity to share their work virtually, to both in-person and virtual attendees.
If you would like to review your submitted abstract, please login to the Pacifichem online abstract system.UPCOMING DATES:
In June 2021 and again in October 2021, authors who have submitted abstracts will be asked how they intend to participate in their scientific session, either in person or virtual.Registration for both the in-person and virtual Congress will open in August 2021. The advance registration fees for in-person and virtual attendance (both regular and student) will be announced no later than August 2021. The registration deadline for presenters is October 11, 2021 (either virtual or in-person).
We are continuing to carefully monitor the situation relative to the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential impacts on the December 2021 congress. The Pacifichem Organizing Committee will provide additional updates as they become available.
We look forward to a successful Pacifichem 2021 Hybrid Congress and appreciate your continued support.
Mitsuo Sawamoto, Congress Chair
Atsushi Takahara, Chair, Scientific Program Subcommittee
E-mail: pacifichem@acs.org
〒615-8510 京都市西京区京都大学桂 京都大学大学院工学研究科分子工学専攻 分子理論化学講座内 溶液化学研究会事務局 e-mail: jimukyoku<at-mark>solnchem.jp |